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RAID:  0, 1, 4, 5, 5e, 6, 10, 5+1, JBOD, X-RAID, etc.


RAIDs are devices that use multiple hard drives to act as one storage device, and have a multitude of possible configurations that can make recovery a very time-consuming process. Generally these require a custom quote, but as a rule of thumb, each drive will require a Level 1 to 3 recovery independently, plus a RAID diagnostic reconstruction fee will apply depending on the RAID configuration and number of drives. Because of the considerable amount of time that must be invested, the diagnostic reconstruction fee is non-refundable. However, the fee is waived if the recovery is successful.

See Pricing Below




Most common RAID failures are the member drive failure, typically the most common RAID recovery is the RAID 5 configuration. Most of the time one of the drives will fail and the redundancy from the other drive will take over, but due to most firmware configurations and in the process of a system reboot or a power interruptions, these arrays will likely fail to load. Most of RAID owner will try to troubleshoot the situation and call the manufacturer technical support and until all the troubleshooting methods are applied, at the end technical support will end up recommending a data recovery service. If you notice that your RAID system is having a minor glitch and your data are important, make a copy of your data immediately, and if you are having problem copying your data to other media, contact us for free phone consultation.



RAID Level 1

RAID 0,1,4,5,5e,6,10,All

$1000-$1500 RAID Array Recovery Fee
+$250 for each member HDD
No Hardware Failure at this level
Larger than 4TB HDD to be Quoted
Destination media needed

RAID Level 2

RAID 0,1,4,5,5e,6,10, All

$1000-$1500 RAID Array Recovery Fee
Level 3 Recovery Cost each Damaged HDD
$250 for each non-damage member HDD
Larger than 4TB to be quoted
Destination media needed

RAID Emergency

Level 1 & Level 2 Services

1-3 Business Days Service to be quoted
4-7 Business Days Service to be  quoted
Factors that affect the recovery speed
- Hard Drive Condition (ex. damage HDD)
- Metadata Condition on each HDD
- Size/Capacity of each Hard Drive